In the event that you are running low on the electricity, there are several ways to purchase more electricity should the need arise.
The units come with a prepaid meter which allows for normal consumption.
To ensure you don’t run out of electricity make sure your display never displays below 5kwh. Adhering to this, means that you will never be inconvenienced by running out of power.
The meter LED will indicate when the power is in use by flashing RED. The display should never display below 5kwh. If you need to purchase a token for power it can be done by calling PPMA, tokens can be purchased by either EFT/cash or CC. Prepaid Meters Australia Pty Ltd Account: Bank: St George Bank BSB: 114-879 Account Number: 467037481 Ref: Your 11 digit Meter Number.
Note: Make sure you use the 11 digit meter number in “your room “as your reference, and to send a confirmation of this EFT to: up to 3 working days for the funds to clear. Once this has been done, go online to and log on using your: USER NAME: “1000 plus your room number” e.g room 106 is 1000106” PASSWORD: “Last 4 digits of your meter number” Once logged in you will be able to find your deposit loaded into your “Wallet”. You are now able to VEND a 20 digit code from your “Wallet”.
For all Support Enquiries: Contact : or call: 07 56 999 607 The Body Corporate for Varsity Towers purchases the electricity in bulk and ensures that all residents are offered a substantial discount to the current market price of electricity ($00.24cents per kWh) Residents currently pay only $0016.5 cents per kWh. This represents a significant saving for the students considering they do not have to pay the initial connection fee associated with setting up an electricity account or the monthly meter reading charges.